It's been 30 days of fasting and the holy month of Ramadhan has passed for this year.
It's now time to celebrate our success in getting through Ramadhan without fail in fasting and such ^^
I would just like to wish "Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri dan Maaf Zahir dan Batin to all my friends and such daripada SKWM,SMSS,KMPP,Taylor's,ICLS and many more sama ada yang berada di dalam ataupun yang berada di luar negara sama ada yang baru pergi/pulang ke tanah orang dan terpaksa celebrate raya dalam kelas XP.Halalkan makan minum and aku harap sebarang silap dan salah aku kita semua lupakan ^^ kosong-kosong ok =D
Hope boleh jumpa korang semua yang ada kat Malaysia maybe kat open salah sorang diorang ni ^^
aku ada banyak lagi bende nak cakap sebenarnya tapi biarla at some other place and time ^^ "
First of all I spent my first few hours of Raya yesterday doing my Advance-1 Japanese test in ICLS ^^" way to start of raya ^^" for my friends who doesn't know in the Islamic calender a day starts during maghrib around those times you see us Buka Puasa so yesterday was already raya and I spent the first few hours doing a test which I hopefully passed as I'm quite worried and not very confident with my answers and also those kanji which I forgot ^^"
Anyway let's back track a bit to the last few days of ramadhan.Well usually that's the time my family goes and do our Raya shopping buying some new shirts,shoes etc.
Well this year due to some laziness and some other reasons like me going to ask them to spend a few thousand Aussie Dollars to pay for my University Fees in a few weeks time ^^" I insisted on not buying new shirts etc. I just want a new pair of shoes and well the usual new baju melayu though in the end my mum just bought a few shirts for me though I wasn't there ^^"
I just bought a new pair of shoes with my mum well I buy them once a year and this seems like the best time if any to ask for a new expensive pair of sneakers =D
Oh yeah and since I needed a new watch since my old one suddenly got broke a few weeks back and not having a watch has made it quite inconvenient at times I bought a new one too.
Here they are ^^
Oh yeah they had this thing if you purchase stuff more than RM300 worth you can spin this wheel thing and get a free prize =D there was like some knee guards,socks etc. etc. and luckily enough I got a new basketball there was only one of that among the segments on the wheel =D
my old one has been in such a bad condition it's great to have a new basketball =D
Anyway here's some of the food my mum cooked for Raya she's such a great cook =D
we all had to help her around and all well I escaped most part of it saying I had to study for my Japanese exam I mentioned earlier ahaha but had to help after I got back.
Here's some of them.Well there's a lot of other stuff too like the lemang,ketupat,more kuih raya etc. but here's some highlights ^^
Oh yeah got a good amount of Duit Raya today too despite only going to a few houses today ahaha.Overall it was a good first day of raya this year despite me not being as excited as previous years about it ^^
I would just like to wish "Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri dan Maaf Zahir dan Batin to all my friends and such daripada SKWM,SMSS,KMPP,Taylor's,ICLS and many more sama ada yang berada di dalam ataupun yang berada di luar negara sama ada yang baru pergi/pulang ke tanah orang dan terpaksa celebrate raya dalam kelas XP.Halalkan makan minum and aku harap sebarang silap dan salah aku kita semua lupakan ^^ kosong-kosong ok =D
Hope boleh jumpa korang semua yang ada kat Malaysia maybe kat open salah sorang diorang ni ^^
aku ada banyak lagi bende nak cakap sebenarnya tapi biarla at some other place and time ^^ "
First of all I spent my first few hours of Raya yesterday doing my Advance-1 Japanese test in ICLS ^^" way to start of raya ^^" for my friends who doesn't know in the Islamic calender a day starts during maghrib around those times you see us Buka Puasa so yesterday was already raya and I spent the first few hours doing a test which I hopefully passed as I'm quite worried and not very confident with my answers and also those kanji which I forgot ^^"
Anyway let's back track a bit to the last few days of ramadhan.Well usually that's the time my family goes and do our Raya shopping buying some new shirts,shoes etc.
Well this year due to some laziness and some other reasons like me going to ask them to spend a few thousand Aussie Dollars to pay for my University Fees in a few weeks time ^^" I insisted on not buying new shirts etc. I just want a new pair of shoes and well the usual new baju melayu though in the end my mum just bought a few shirts for me though I wasn't there ^^"
I just bought a new pair of shoes with my mum well I buy them once a year and this seems like the best time if any to ask for a new expensive pair of sneakers =D
Oh yeah and since I needed a new watch since my old one suddenly got broke a few weeks back and not having a watch has made it quite inconvenient at times I bought a new one too.
Here they are ^^
Oh yeah they had this thing if you purchase stuff more than RM300 worth you can spin this wheel thing and get a free prize =D there was like some knee guards,socks etc. etc. and luckily enough I got a new basketball there was only one of that among the segments on the wheel =D
my old one has been in such a bad condition it's great to have a new basketball =D
Anyway here's some of the food my mum cooked for Raya she's such a great cook =D
we all had to help her around and all well I escaped most part of it saying I had to study for my Japanese exam I mentioned earlier ahaha but had to help after I got back.
Here's some of them.Well there's a lot of other stuff too like the lemang,ketupat,more kuih raya etc. but here's some highlights ^^
Oh yeah got a good amount of Duit Raya today too despite only going to a few houses today ahaha.Overall it was a good first day of raya this year despite me not being as excited as previous years about it ^^
anyway folks that's all from me,
until next time,
until next time,
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